Monday, July 28, 2008

Black Dogs

Moments after I learned that Buttercup's meat was malignant and cancer I asked Luna to make this picture. I paced the gardens as she delivered the news. Butter seemed strong. Breathe Rose Breathe. I did that. I could no more see her now than I could walk through that wall. "It's hot above your head but the wall is beautiful." "Then you got it." I wept and we left and held hands the short ride home. 'Tomorrow I'm going to walk through that wall', I thought. 'Not with anger,' God responded. 'Then lift the anger,' I quipped in return. Silence. 'You lift it,' said the other. I listened and made no response.


economywine said...

strength & honor to both beings.

riseup said...

LOVE, LOVE and more LOVE