Sunday, April 6, 2008

spem in

Spray paint on cardboard behind glass (explaining the glare n shit) by Tony Feher made in 1999. On the opposite wall to the left of the glare where Z is looking are Matisse screen prints. Some of the best Matisse prints I’ve seen, ever. So much talent is wasted for lack of imagination. Neither Feher nor Matisse lack either but I’ve known quite a few who waste away or worse, hack away for what they lack or fail to create. I felt affirmed by these works and I felt pity for the woman through which they recall.

Two or more years ago I had meal in this room. I walk by it a few days a week depending on my pathway to work and not think twice. Today I recall the baby crying and the conversations we had with friends. Most days I walk past ghosts and most days they walk right past me and we are both content to our searching. Occasionally, like when dog sitting and a late winter fever collide, the spirits come at me as firm as urban structures. I stay here to face them but someday, maybe someday soon, I’ll leave and meet the same spirits in the unfamiliar vastness of the elevations…

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