Friday, November 14, 2008


Most of what I learn comes from a childish action. But all actions, in hindsight, seem childish to me. I'm known to say, "we don't live long enough to be anything but children. We don't have enough years to live to make those choices" - to shelter a family from pain or a friend from harm or a damn nation from genocide. This is true as the aggressor or the victim. One always folds into the other by choice, design, abandon or just dumb luck. Communication is essential for me and then I see what uselessness comes from ill placed communications. It is often best to remain silent. Silence is wonderment, even if your choice is silence. Equally still is the silence that is forgotten and never a part of consciousness. Anyones. Save for the one who makes the silent choice. I always think of the monks that vow silence - because they're there, they're near you. There's one living near by you now. A choice. I feel the heavy weight of silence. The dead air when I desire a call. That pristine half of music, in all it's sameness. (Music: A combination of sounds and silences intended for listening.) I look for silence and find it in my cold rat hole. And then I wish I hadn't said anything at all.