Monday, October 20, 2008


I've assembled a selection of photographs on flickr that have appeared in pRose, DC in hopes of creating a selection for print and show early in the new year. If ever there's a breath. 105 are there now and more are coming. Feel free to share these photographs and in turn share yours with me. What a fucking year it's been to date and no sign it will slow. No chance I already know. And we go. Go Go Go...


economywine said...

good slideshow daniel lots of sweet unknowns.

Anonymous said...

his eclectic aesthetic may classify him as a collector of liaisons,
his diverse and expansive body of sexual affiliations,
reads like an image database or archive,
ranging in subject matter from pool parties and chiropractor visits to beadle sex TXTing and baboon surgeries, framing his experiences of the world around him,
this wide-reaching perspective opens his exploits to multiple interpretations and reflects his pronounced fascination with the complex layering and interplay of human relationships

however broad in scope his experiences are united by their intimacy and their pathos, unlike some that are shrouded in cynicism and irony, he communicates an emotional sincerity, evoking his genuine desire to understand and relate to his subject, whether documenting a close relative, a room stuffed with taxidermied animals, or a stunning mountain vista

restoration is done to carefully observe the subtle nuances underlying people’s exchanges within these seemingly mundane relationships, his sharp, color-saturated illuminations are profound—a desire, a hope, to restore a connection with others and the world


kate davis said...

well said, sterz.

The Branding Arsenal said...

Haven't we seen enough of yer ass?? ;)

Daniel Cosentino said...

not nearly enough. next up: balls...