Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Way past post - St. Patrick's Day

Monday, March 17, 2008

“Good Morning Daniel.”
“Good Morning.”
“Language won’t save you Daniel.”
“I’m not looking to be saved.”
Silence, then
“Logic won’t save you Daniel.”
“I’m not looking to be saved.”
“Then why are you trying Daniel?”
“I’m not trying to try.”
“Yes… you are.”
“You built it for me then. You put the questions in.”
Silence. Awake.

Americans are fierce people. We are to be feared for our independence. Even the pansy dreamers. Each one. Each motherfucker a diamond pure against resistance. Even the Anti-Warrior would raise a gun and fire. They would kill. It’s built into the code and we are born into the code. Every American shithole is a maelstrom of free men and women. And these people will lock eyes and knees and move forward, each an island like a retracted solar bang, 300 million celestial bodies upon your threat to such a shithole.

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