Sunday, August 12, 2007

Asian Marketing

All good stories start with a tragedy. It could be a small one or a peripheral one but you’ll find it there, the event that put bodies in motion. What makes a story truly tragic and/or terrible is if the motion produces unredeemable disaster and/or a dullard heroine. I like the sound of that, a dullard heroine, tragic.

The pills made me nauseous so I made myself puke around 3AM by shoving a finger to the back and fondling the soft palate. Up came the burger and rings from hours before still largely undigested. Maybe it was the food. More likely I was sick with worry. Down to the wire, no reliable jobs surface and money tight, to the point of necessitating a change, an immediate one. No real worries except that no job makes a whole bunch of shit difficult. Not the least of which is, where to lay ones head and possibly, where to lay ones girlfriends head? No matter, what’s another year of this in the long run, probably divine guidance. Maybe not the pills n shit but what the hell, if it relieves pain for a short time why not? It’s not like they make me lazy, matter of fact it’s the opposite, they provide relief well into the early morning hours when the machine hums with connective blips and rumbles in electronic accord, storing and shifting, compiling and stacking. Please forgive these words, their blatant poetics, they come out that way. It’s the way I sort of think, backwards, as if the sentence is being constructed like a baseball in flight, so by the time it reaches the batter the thing has twisted around so many times that only a hope keeps it intact, each time a fear that it’ll be batted out of the park like drunken swine. See what I mean?

Bah! No worries, more prayers, a different approach, another one, hours, days, wasted. It’s almost as if success requires a cross but probably not. I keep thinking, I should have left here a long time ago or I should have never come. Like Tommy say, “misery’s the river of the world” and/or “the world is kept alive by bestial acts.” Sure there’s good advice but most of it isn’t real. Take the lessons of the poor, when poor. Fuck. Refreshment, young coconut juice:

FRUITA with meat. FRUITA is a mouthwatering avalanche of flavor that will quench any type of thirst. By selecting only the choicest of fruits and picking them at the pinnacle of ripeness, nothing but the best is ever put in our drinks. That’s why we say. “when you want fresh and delicious, nothing satisfies you like a FRUITA”. Product Name: Coconut Juice. Ingredients: Young coconut juice, Sugar, Young coconut pulp.